Camera will not rotate via right click whatsoever

This bug only appeared today, and was fine just last night. Anytime I try to rotate the studio camera (in both creating and playtesting mode), my cursor just locks and the camera does not move. THIS OCCURS ALL THE TIME, NO MATTER WHAT (including as soon as I open the .rbxl file). This also occurs in my places both saved to Roblox and saved to file.

I have tried all the solutions I saw online already, including deleting the camera object, restarting my computer, and closing and reentering studio over and over again. It’s completely taken away my ability to develop and I would greatly appreciate it if someone could help me figure out how to fix this issue.

Also the camera does respond to switching to Tracking/Custom, but still cannot rotate.
Also also it responds to the WASD keys and Arrow Keys, but unfortunately arrow keys don’t rotate for some reason in studio.


Additionally: reinstalling studio or deleting the camera module WILL NOT fix the problem


It’s a Roblox bug, it should be fixed soon.


Same is happening to me. Click and drag to select doesn’t work either.

Edit: drag to select works, just doesn’t show the box as it selects.


Well at least I’m not the only one with this issue, I was worried that I would be the only one.

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Same i also thought i was the only one with the issue so i made a post about it just to find out everyone also has the issue

Oh this needs moved to #bug-reports

i couldlnt find that when i was choosing the topic thingy for this

Is the bug only happening in your game? If it is, check StarterPlayer.StarterPlayerScripts for a ModuleScript called “PlayerModule”. This module is normally a default Roblox module that controls the vast majority of user input, like camera and character movement. If there is anything named PlayerModule under StarterPlayerScripts it will automatically override the default one. So, if you see it there, try deleting it and see if it works.

This is without being in play testing, its when youre trying to build at all in studio.

It seems that the camera has been mostly fixed, with the only immediate issue being my mouse jittering whenever rotating. It’s operable however, even if a bit annoying. At least it was mostly fixed pretty fast I guess.

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Definatally a Roblox issue then.

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