I’m basically trying to recreate Roblox’s default camera behavior when it comes to zooming in and out on touch devices. Currently, I’m trying to achieve this by using UserInputService.TouchPinch
and it’s scale parameter, but it feels unbalanced. I’m probably using it wrong, because I can zoom in way faster than I can zoom out. This is because the passed scale argument goes up to 10+ while zooming in, but only moves between 1 and 0 while zooming out.
This is the snippet of code that the wiki offers which has the same ‘unbalanced’ zooming:
local lastTouchScale = nil
local function TouchZoom(touchPositions, scale, velocity, state)
if state == Enum.UserInputState.Change or state == Enum.UserInputState.End then
local difference = scale - lastTouchScale
cameraZoom = cameraZoom * (1 + difference)
if cameraZoomBounds ~= nil then
cameraZoom = math.min(math.max(cameraZoom, cameraZoomBounds[1]), cameraZoomBounds[2])
cameraZoom = math.max(cameraZoom, 0)
lastTouchScale = scale
Could anyone tell me how to use the scale parameter properly, that way the user can zoom in and out by equal amounts?
Thanks in advance.