CameraMinZoomDistance stuck at .5, even in first person

I am making a game that has forced first person, and I want the player to be able to see their own body at the same time. Due to the camera subject being located in the middle of the player head, I’m using humanoid.CameraOffset to push the viewport forward, as to not make the body be as obstructive for the players’.

The problem with this is that the camera viewport is slightly offset from the camera origin (aka. the CameraSubject), making the viewport rotate around that point at a slight distance, which then allows players to look through objects when standing up close to them at an angle:

I’ve read through camera, player and humanoid documentation to try and find a fix, and played around with humanoid.CameraOffset as a last ditch effort (didn’t see it as a possible fix, considering that the offset position doesn’t take the viewport distance relative to CameraSubject, at least afaik)
This also goes back to the title; I haven’t been able to decrease the minimum zoom amount past .5, which is what I think is causing the issue.



Tysm. The guy’s explanation wasn’t very detailed, so it took me a bit to figure out.

For anyone else coming to this thread for a solution, you find the scripts modify by doing the following:
Play the game, go to StarterPlayer > StarterPlayerScripts in the editor, copy PlayerModule, stop running and paste into StarterPlayerScripts. You then modify the float values in the scripts from the other post ZoomController and BaseCamera (It’s an older post, so the lines of code aren’t on the same line)

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