CameraModule.OrbitalCamera error

Reproduction steps:
enable orbital camera

Staff forgot to pass over the dt argument to this function within the module.
Took me a minute to troubleshoot.

Line 220 under CameraModule.OrbitalCamera.

--snippet from the module
function OrbitalCamera:Update(dt: number): (CFrame, CFrame)
	local now = tick()
	local timeDelta = (now - self.lastUpdate)
	local userPanningTheCamera = CameraInput.getRotation(dt) ~=
--                                                       ^
--                                          what you forgot to add

Thanks for reading!

Expected behavior

The orbital camera setting to work as normal without printing errors to output each step.

original source:


I can confirm this is occuring. The orbital camera mode doesn’t work anymore

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Thanks for the report! I filed a ticket in our internal database and we’ll follow up when we have an update for you.

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Still happening 16d later, pls fix, trying to use in a project and still can’t without editing CameraModule