Camera:SetRoll issues - render not synced with actual view

We’ve noticed an issue with the :SetRoll method of Scriptable Camera, where the actual view doesn’t seem to reflect the rendered view.

An example:
If you roll your camera in Studio and try to select a brick, you cannot select the brick. However, you can click somewhere there is no visual representation of a brick - and select that brick. This is due to some weird offset / synchronization-issue. I have a theory that we see the camera rolled, while the client sees (and renders) it as if the camera is not rolled at all. See attachment for illustration of the scenario.

Nexx created a quick video that shows the issue at the place provided. Take note of the placement of the handles in the video (or in the place, if you decide to go there).

I have constructed a quick place where you can check out the issue. It’s free to take, so you can try it out in either Edit, Build or Online. The issue occurs all three places. Do note that the GUIs in the place are purely to show where to click to select the part, due to the offset - they have no function other than that.
If the camera isn’t tilted upon spawning, please reset.
Equip the tool, and try to select any bodypart of the character that stands there.
URL: TestyTerry - Roblox

BillboardGuis also appear to render as if the camera had no roll applied to it either.

Ravenshield explained it way better than I did in my video.

Also, I keep mentioning surfaceguis, but thats not the only thing being affected. Like ravenshield said, anything in the rendered view.

I am just currently using the SetRoll method to look at surfaceguis, and is when i discovered the problem

Thanks for such an awesome bug report!
We’re looking into it.

Hooray! I can’t wait for BillboardGuis to be finally rendered correctly.

Just a question though, how would text be handled? Would it be rotated upside-down along with the rest of the GUI, or would it just be moved to the correct position and the text remain in the correct orientation?

Ahh, this explains why my bee game sometimes “glitches”. There’s a feature where you click on another bee to ram and sting it, but it would never really be precise unless the camera was straight (Roll @ 0). I hope this gets fixed! :slight_smile:

I know CodeWriter is working on fixing some issues with this, stay tuned…

I thought this was previously done by HotThoth but since he left the issue was never resolved.