Camp Code Summer Camp!

This project seems very disorganized and I would not recommend it to anyone reading this. Not to sound rude.

It’s not, You are making this harder than it needs to be.

Understandable, but managing the whole thing (the roblox programming, making up a systematical announcement and program in twitter and discord) will took way longer time. Like Luqkky said on top, you can’t just think about something and immediately posted it in just a day, not to mention the topic you’ll be tutoring is something that not everyone can tackle.

This is, i can say, will ended pretty miserably if you don’t tell the donators or group that you literally haven’t thinked about ANYTHING.

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a year round course doesn’t seem planned at all and you might want to re-consider a few things.

  • People don’t have time to sit and learn for an entire year.
  • it’s fairly easy for you to just exit in the middle of the session whether it’s an emergency or you scamming.

We’re giving out suggestions here, but alas you denied

So the students would have studio open, and the instructor would be teaching them… That is just really confusing if that’s what is happening.

No your just disorganized and did not plan ahead, according to your schedule the first session is very close and you dont even have a lesson plan.

You know what ima do? ima close this topic, and come back tommorw and repost.

Well duplicate posts are not allowed so and thank you for showing your level of professionalism.

Because, I can’t stand how everyone is mad at me for a camp they never experienced.

Here’s my recommendation: if you’re starting something big then plan first, don’t just say ok here we’re doing this now pay and i’ll teach lol.


I;ve been in this kinds of camp before, and i must say, we’re not mad, we’re literally giving out criticism and suggestions. This camp is VERY possible, but right now what you have is just a 1-day planned work that doesn’t even have something concrete to begin with and yet you already have the audacity to ask for funds

We actually have most of it planned out. I wish most of you took the time to wait, and see the lesson plans to come to your own conclusions.

I don’t believe anyone is mad we are just saying our opinion of what we think. It may seem harsh, but no one is mad.

Also If your planning to do this you need to have some sort of proof that you are qualified to be teaching coding, Like a resume or portfolio.

I understand that, but people need to experience it before saying what they think about a camp that never even happened. Kinda funny…

If it was planned why dont you have lesson plans ?

Again, I’m not the teacher. Let’s make this clear. I hired instructors.

Well can you put it here who are the instructors and how qualified are they?

That doesn’t mean we don’t have a opinion, we are just using the context of what you are saying, and giving a opinion.