Campfire feedback

So for my game i’m making a campfire. Join the game for up close images. In my other post, someone asked if I could add a campfire.
Is there anything wrong with the rise velocity, opacity, size or colour? If there is, please tell me.

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I would honestly recommend if you stack the wood pieces on top of each other in a way that would look rather realistic, you should also decrease the size of the fire, it seems to me like you added a fire particle to each wood piece, so you could just leave only one wood with the particle, if not, you could just resize the fire. Also maybe add some small rocks surrounding the campfire for details.


Something like this sketch I found. But the wood is bigger than the rocks.

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Ooo! I like it!

There’s nothing that I can’t add that already hasn’t been said, but I love it when other devs. take my feedback and bring them to life like this. Good job! :+1:

You have both helped me alot. I will send another image when the campfire is done!


If you’re using a fire instance, try not to. Particle Emitters will give you more control over properties, however it’s up to you.

How about this?

Looks really good, maybe try fixing the rocks to get rid of some of that grass.

Other then that, looks fantastic!

Those rocks are Flotating over the Ground! But your work is Fantastic! Keep it up.

Try campfire wood with a similar shape to your trees; give them some edges. And in your edit with rocks, it looks like the rocks are levitating? That’s cool, but I’d pin them to the ground, and also give them a bigger shape.

the rocks look like they’re floating, maybe try to make some rocks tilted onto the wood pieces, some just on the ground normally and some that fell on their back or side for some reason!
But I like it a lot nonetheless, good work!

Maybe group up the rocks and make them closer to the wood, and out the rocks on the ground :laughing:

What can make this cmapfire better is to add rocks of different size and shape around it :slight_smile: Good Job on your creation btw :smiley:

I have seen your updated version of the campfire. Maybe reduce the spread of the smoke? Maybe use a particle emitter with a different texture for more control on its spread. But still looks great! Another thing is maybe put the fire higher so it looks like its coming from the wood not underneath it, if you get what I mean? Still I really like the rocks and effect.