Can’t clone with F3X

How do I fix this F3X bug? I cannot clone any parts in game. I have tried reaching out to F3X officials but they never respond. Any instructions?

Using outdated version?

I’ve tried almost every single version, they all do this…

This is the most updated version , since its the original one :stuck_out_tongue:
[I wouldn’t recommend using any different version then that original one]

Regardless, I’ve tried the newest one and I still can’t clone anything

You could use InsertService, here is an example:

    local assetId = 142785488
    game:GetService("InsertService"):LoadAsset(assetId).Parent = plr.Backpack
    plr.Backpack.Model["Building Tools"].Parent = plr.Backpack

or if you want to clone it do:

local tool = game.ReplicatedStorage["Building Tools"]

    tool:Clone().Parent = plr.Backpack

I hope this helps :slight_smile:

If your talking about the f3x tool, use this version: F3X

I’m not gonna do all that just to clone a part. I just want a fix to it…

What F3X Model are you using in your game?

The most recent one


Just go in studio and clone it…

If only. If I could I probably wouldn’t be using F3X

Wait so you mean you can’t even clone in studio?