What I am having problems with is an event that needs to be fired. This event is fired when I player buys something. I little case opening animation will play.
The problem is that when 2 or more people try to fire the event. If the event is already being fired. It wont fire for this player. How do I have it so that the event can fire for multiple people whenever they press it.
Events like what you’re talking about should be fired from a localscript using :FireServer. So yes, it can be fired at the same time by multiple people given that each person is only firing it once.
Why are you even using an event for this? It sounds like the player is buying something on their screen and then they are shown a case opening animation. This can all be done with localscripts. What’s the use to go from client to server or server to client?
You can do all that with localscripts as far as I’m concerned.
Can you give me a brief description of how your system works? (Like tell me what parameters you include when firing the event, when you fire the event, what goes on in the event)
The only thing I can think of where an event is needed is to change the player’s currency after they buy something.
I cant do that in a local event. I wouldn’t give the player the item, plus on top of that if it all was in a local script then it would be very easy to exploit