How can a part or tool be animated with an animation editor? Especily part.
The moon animator plugin let’s you do this but it’s a paid one. But if you have some Robux just take a look at it, I’ve never used it and I have no experience in animation but I’ve heard that it’s pretty easy to use!
I’ve heard of a free humanoid insertion method, but I don’t know the details.
Here are some helpful links you can check out:
[How to animate parts tutorial]
I believe it can, as long it has a motor6D weld and is unanchored.
i usually animate non player objects by putting a animation controller inside of it, and adding a humanoid root part, sorta treating it like a character, but it’s only a part
RigEdit is a free plugin thst lets you attack welds and joints properly to your character.
I’d suggest trying to weld the arm to the weapon and position it correctly and afterwards animate it.
Once the animation is done, based on what name the character part is in the play, it will follow it. When you weld stuff, it doesn’t offer the choice to either animating the tool, but to hold the part. Joints help with that and you can either move the tool’s orientation right. But only that weapon will be following the orientation, if a different weapon will be attached to a humanoid, it will only follow what the part it is attached to does.
Animating on Roblox with Moon Animator is incredibly broken, I’ve once had a guy animating our game and the animations he made instead of working properly broke weirdly out, hands were just unattached and etc. we quickly moved out to the regular Animator.
As long as the Grouped object has a Humanoid or AnimationController(i think) it will be able to be animatable.
But you require to create body rigs such as welds and joints, motor6ds.
As mentioned above RigEdit helps in rigging custom characters or custom objects.
There’s a lot of tutorials on how to make a simple animated character.