Recently, I created a game, but I don’t have much robux to advertise it. The game is similar to “Suzerain”, set in a virtual universe inspired by real life World War 2, but with fictional countries. Players take on the role of the leader of a country called Sicorin, making crucial decisions to guide their nation and its people.
Since political and narrative driven games aren’t very common on Roblox, I’m wondering, can a game like this still grow? What are some ways to attract players without relying on paid advertisements?
I’d really appreciate any feedback or advice on how to improve my game’s visibility and appeal.
I seen 1 game that was a politics simulator, all you did was pick a open job slot in the government (like secretary of state or senator of abc) and make choices based on the statistics of government or roleplay with other players. It usually has 200 players so i believe that everything has a niche audience if the game has the right approach and adds elements to keep someone engaged in a healthy and productive manner. It looks like your game has potential to grow.
Things that could be improved: It looks like the game assumes new players already know everything, maybe have a tutorial or a information booklet to read for people curious, a guide to point out important things to know, add a next button since the beginning skimmed over fast , It would be nice to have player interaction but idk if there is any but thats not your fault or anything. Other than that, I think it needs some kind of main panel to see what you should pick.