Can anybody explain me animation priority (core,action,movement,Idle)

Like i know this

  1. Action (Highest Priority)
  2. Movement (2nd Highest Priority)
  3. Idle (2nd Lowest priority)
  4. Core (Lowest Priority)

But what they do ? Does action priority animation do something when it is played


And i dont know if this is right category

These priorities determines which animation should play first.

Core has the lowest priority, meaning that this animation will run at its lowest priority.
Idle, is basically your idle animation.

Movement, meaning Animations such as your default jump animation, swim animation has these kinds of priority.

Action is the highest, and this should be used for external animations in your game such as punching animation etc, because when this animation plays, any other existing animations will stop playing and it will play this animation.


Let’s say you’re running four different animations. The action animation is what plays. If you’re not doing an action animation, then the movement animation plays. If you’re not moving, then the idle animation plays. Otherwise, the core animation plays.

If you animate a dog, let’s say the tail is always wagging. That’s part of the core animation. The idle animation includes shuffling and looking around, but does nothing with the tail. In this case, the idle animation will play, and the tail part of the core animation will play. When the dog is moving, you animate the movement of everything but the tail. So the core animation for the tail still plays when it moves. One of the action animations is a lunge. This takes total control and makes the tail spring with the rest of the dog when it leaps. The other action animation is for a bite. The bite animation only needs the head to animate, so he can still use his walking animation while walking and biting and wag his tail.


Thanks Guys for your help . I understand now which priority should be use .