Can anyone explain bezier curves in the most simple way possible please?

Hello, I am trying to understand bezier curves,

I have experimented with Bezier Curves for over 10 days now, And I still do not understand it much.

From now I have understood that t is the time, I do not understand how to interpolate through a bezier curve to a point, can someone please explain bezier curves without giving a headache.



Iā€™ve recently watched a couple videos on Bezier curves and read some articles. I canā€™t really ā€œexplainā€ since Iā€™m very awful at math, like I legitimately hate it, but anyways, hereā€™s what I can tell you

This is the formula for a Quadratic Bezier curve:

B(t) = (1-t) Bp0,p1(t) + t Bp1,p2(t)

--A Quadratic Bezier has 3 control points
--t being the interval, a float between 0 and 1
--p0 being Point0 (mostly the start point) 
--p1 being the 'curve' point (this is the point which the curvature is based off)
--p2 being point2 (the end point)

    Since vector3 values can be multiplied, added, subtracted etc.
    you can just toss baseparts positions into the formula

Imagine we have 3 parts in workspace, "PartA", "PartB" and "PartC"
Let's setup the quadric bezier function

local function QuadraticBezier(t,p0,p1,p2)
    return (1-t)^2*p0+2*(1-t)*t*p1+t^2*p2; --<Very simple :D

local Part0 = workspace.Part0;--<Start point
local Part1 = workspace.Part1;--<'Curve' Point
local Part2 = workspace.Part2;--<End Point
local inter_PART ="Part", workspace);--<Part To Move
--Now to call the bezier function, we can just wrap it in a for loop
for t = 0,1,0.01 do
    local TargetPosition = QuadraticBezier(t , Part0.Position, Part1.Position, Part2.Position);
    inter_PART.Position = TargetPosition;

Thereā€™s also other Bezier types

  • Linear (Straight Line)

  • Cubic (Has 4 Control Points)

local function CubicBezier(t, p0, p1, p2, p3)
    return (1-t)^3*p0+3*(1-t)^2*t*p1+3*(1-t)^2*p2+t^3*p3
--> EDIT ^^ should be (1-t) * t^2 * p2. Fix available below.
--> Left old incorrect formula just incase someone was previously using this as a reference.

-- FIX:
local function CubicBezier(t, p0, p1, p2, p3)
    return (1 - t) ^ 3 * p0 + 3 * (1 - t) ^ 2 * t * p1 + 3 * (1 - t) * t ^ 2 * p2 + t ^ 3 * p3

Hope this helped, sorry for any errors :smiley:


If you havenā€™t yet found / read the Wikipedia page, then I suggest you take a look at it, and in particular the ā€˜Construction Bezier curvesā€™ section.

The animations in that section, should give you some clue to ā€œwhats going onā€, for how to make a bezier curve, from a simple one of just two points (just a straight line), then one with three points (quadratic curve), and so on.

The ā€œt is timeā€ is a bit misleading, as I see ā€˜tā€™ as a percentage (e.g. ā€œoffset %ā€) within a straight line to calculate a point to use - which will either be used as a start-or-end-point of a new straight line, or as a point on the resulting bezier curve.

Making a single bezier curve, is basically a for loop where ā€˜tā€™ starts at zero (0%) and is incremented by some fraction until it reaches one (100%), where the value of ā€˜tā€™ is used to repeatedly calculating ā€œa pointā€ for each ā€œstraight lineā€, and do that for each ā€œnew straight lineā€ that can be made from those points, until there are no more lines to be made.

Once all the points have been calculated, then it is just a matter of ā€œconnect the dotsā€ to get the bezier curve, which will be more or less detailed, depending on what fraction-value you used for ā€œincrementing tā€.

When you have understood these basics calculations for ā€œnew straight linesā€ / ā€œthe pointsā€, and that it takes several calculations just for finding ā€œone pointā€, then you will (hopefully) discover that those other strange math formulas presented, are ā€œoptimizationsā€ for very specific types of bezier curves.

Also you might want to study this afterwards: Reparameterization: Tips and Tricks - Scripting Helpers


the most simple way possible

Quadratic beziers are the simplest case. Hereā€™s a visual:

Endpoints P0 and P2. Control point P1.

Percentage t is between 0.0 and 1.0.

Get A = P0:Lerp(P1, t).

Get B = P1:Lerp(P2, t).

The green line in the gif is from A to B.

The point t-percent along the curve is then point = A:Lerp(B, t).

Edit: Cubic and higher-order beziers just have more layers of Lerping:


Love this simple example!

I tried a Bezier ā€˜moduleā€™ that was over 500 lines.

Ended up goin with THIS one though! :+1:

quick question, how come when i reach the end point i just keep moving backwards (never ending)