Hey, i’m currently working on a GFX wich takes place in a Grocery Store/Supermarket, problem is, that i don’t have a model for a Grocery Store that looks good, i’ve looked into the toolbox and i didn’t find anything that looks professional. Can you help me by sending a link or a obj. for a supermarket? I want the GFX to look like the one in the picture
Can anyone help me, please help
If you want my honest opinion, simulator nowdays use only this type of graphic, causing it to be repetitive and not get any attention, if I could reccomend you may want to use photoshop and design one of yours from 0. Also, with a simple green screen in studio or even F3X if you handle that better, you can take a pic of your avatar while in animation. I don’t honestly know the source of those avatars but I suppose they were made with the method I’m telling you. Hope this helps
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So should i just get a picture from google and paste it into photoshop?