Can anyone help me fix this building issue?

Hiya Developers!

Im using the Archimeds plugin to curve my road, but instead of it putting my road infront of the part, it puts it the the side of it? Can you please tell me how to make the road go infront of the part, not to the side?

This is what i need:

This is what happens when i use the plugin (Road gets put to the side not infront of the current road):

My current plugin settings: PluginIdk


I’m afraid I don’t see the problem here. The road looks fine

Im trying to curve my road around an upcoming hill, and this plugin basically should automatically curve it but it seems to not be doing that.

Have you tried changing the axis settings? Or maybe take a video so I can see the problem better.


If I were you, I’d mess around with the Axis settings and the Invert Axis setting. I’ve had similar issues in the past and have been able to fix them by doing something with the settings. Wish I could be more specific, but I don’t have a computer with me right now. Good luck!


I have manged to get it infront, but i cannot get it to curve.
robloxapp-20211125-1900481.wmv (2.4 MB)

Raise the angle to 90 degress and see of it works in a bseplate.

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Now i just get this.

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thats on the x axis. change it to z axis

blue is z, green is y, x is red. rotating on z axis means it will rotate on the ground not rotate up in a direction

Then this happens, not sure why.

Mess with the settings untill you get what you want.


would the gap fill plugin work better for you?

Not sure what this is, can you send it me?

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Change the angle…
You set it to 0 degrees and it doesn’t do anything. You have set it to 90 and it changes the angle by 90.
It’s working fine, you have to play with the Angle value to change the angle, and the Axis to change how it bends.
Also you need to use the Flip Axis and Invert Axis to get it facing the direction you want it to work.

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Thanks for the advise, and i got it working. But its now going the opposite direction the the way i need it?
robloxapp-20211125-2029346.wmv (1.2 MB)

You need to try following all the directions that other people post. These answers have been answered by me as well as others above.

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Thanks for that, that saved me been working for hours on one simple issue.

Also if I remember correctly that if you mouse over each tool in the Archimedes plugin it gives you a description of what it does.

I Used this is cool plugin ty for link