local Players = game:GetService("Players")
local Player = Players.LocalPlayer
local Gun = script.Parent
local Ammo = Gun.Ammo
local AmmoLabel = Ammo.AmmoText
local AmmoAmount = 8
local MaxAmmo = 8
local Playergui = Player.PlayerGui
local AmmoClone = Ammo:Clone()
AmmoClone.Parent = Playergui
AmmoLabel.Text = tostring(AmmoAmount).."/"..tostring(MaxAmmo)
AmmoLabel.Text = tostring(AmmoAmount).."/"..tostring(MaxAmmo)
im trying to make a ammo hud for my gun and i just dont know how to make it work
Ammo is its own Instance with its own set of children, and values. However cloning it doesnt transfer any other references (eg: variables) or changes with it, so AmmoLabel is only going to be applying changes to the Original Gui, instead of the cloned Gui. Any easy fix is to reference whatever element you need from what was cloned rather than the original item, so: