Can exploiters bypass TeleportService?

Alright, so, in one of my games, I want to have a system so when you are banned, you teleport to a “Ban Land” sort of thing.

I’m gonna handle this on the server so it’ll be something like this (not actual script, just example);

	if script.BanList:FindFirstChild(plr.Name) then
		game:GetService("TeleportService"):Teleport(plr, placeId)

I know that exploiters can bypass client-side kick, but not server-side, so I was wondering if they can bypass server-side TeleportService.

I’m not really sure what to try to stop them from bypassing the service.
I could just stick with kicking them, but I wanted to do something a bit unique.

Do not do this. They can bypass this. Don’t do this. Teleports work by the user’s client being authenticated at a given time. If they just log out they don’t get teleported.

They can’t really bypass it since you are using the PlayerAdded event, which calls everytime if a player joins, if you check if that player is on a certain list after checking if they have joined and then teleport them into your banland, they won’t be able to bypass it, it is true that an exploiter can use: game:GetService("TeleportService"):Teleport() on the client, so they could just teleport them self out of the banland, but the game that they are banned on would instantly teleport them back into the banland if they do try to teleport back into the game.