Can exploiters change/view parameters on remote events?

I have a basic concept of a game where when you touch a coin a remote event fires and you get cash. The problem I am having is I am unable to see what level coin the client touched. To fix this problem I am sending the coins level through a parameter on a remote event. Is this safe? If not what are other ways to go about this?

for _,Coin in pairs(Coins) do
		local humanoid = game.Players:GetPlayerFromCharacter(hit.Parent)
		if humanoid then
			if not db then
				db = true
				local tag = CollectionService:GetTagged(Coin)
				Coin.Transparency = 0
				for i = 0,1,0.076923076 do
					Coin.Transparency = i
			Coin.Transparency = 0
			db = false

sample code

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There’s a tool that will not be named that a lot of exploiters use to intercept remote events and see traffic that is sent through them, as for changing the data as it’s being sent or received, I’m not exactly sure if it can do that, but I wouldn’t put it past the tool if it is possible

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ive seen spies and what they do, haven’t seen something capable or changing data but I wasn’t sure

after reading some synapse documentation (, exploiters can see the arguments passed through which I would assume means they can modify them as well

Exploiters can read client events from RemoteEvents. They can also send data to the server via those RemoteEvents and just spoof whatever data is being sent by copying and modifying what your scripts send.

This is why its commonly said not to trust the client when you recieve data from it.

OKOK fine. But I am the one going to troll.

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:skull: alright

[30 msg limit be like:]

Also, what kind of trolling are you talking about? What is roblox going to troll?

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[30 msg limit aaaaaaa]

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