Can Exploiters Fire a Server to Server BindableEvent?

I know Exploiters can Fire RemoteEvents from the Client, But I need to use a BindableEvent for a specific reason. I’m wondering how they can influence or change a Server to Server BindableEvent?

Nope! Bindables were not made for client <-> server communication!


BindableEvents and BindableFunctions only work on either the client or the server.

They work the same as RemoteEvents and RemoteFunctions, but allow the client to send something to itself and the server to send something to itself.

Server <-> Server
Client <-> Client


Bindables are only for server to server. or Client to client.
You can read about them here for more information.

Remote events on the other hand can go server-client or client to server.

you can read about them here:

There is a diagram explaining them in detail.

I would recommend looking at alvin blox for more info about this topic ill link you his video.

best of luck!

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Did I not explain the question correctly?

thank you for your Help, but i already had the answer a while ago.

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Ohh understandable. Though I answered the question wrong.

I don’t think they can, but I’m pretty sure exploiters can fire a client to client event. Basically, exploiters can write their own localscript, so just keep that in mind when you write your code.

With some admin commands, you can type in a localscript. I say “ls game.Players.whatever” and it makes a localscript of the code you put in. I use this to see what it would be like to be a hacker in my game and so I can prevent them

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