Can exploiters override local camera scripts?

Hi there, I just wanted information about camera scripts being exploited in this topic. I’m currently working on a 2D horror/adventure game. I have the camera script as a local script, in StarterCharacterScripts. There are certain variable and math calculation that from what I have heard exploiters can modify.

The issues this creates for the game is the exploiter can see the whole map and find the exit, etc. Making my game very vulnerable for easy wins. Is there a way I can prevent this or even if its possible for exploiters to modify my local camera script? If so is there any way in which you recommend I handle the situation. My idea would be to do server checks like the calculations are done via the server and not the client(not trusting the client). But the fact they can simply edit the script makes this almost impossible so, i need a better idea such as global setting the camera’s field of vision then i can handle the rest.

Thanks in advance :smiley:


Yes, they can in a variety of ways.
The camera should always be handled on the client since each camera instance could be different for each player, therefore there’s not really much to do here other than attempt to detect tampering.

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Exploiters can gain access without needing local camera scripts.

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How would i go about preventing the tampering, is there specific ways or is what i mentioned good enough?

What i’am asking for is completely different in this case. Im asking if exploiters can modify the variables in the camera script and ways i can prevent it

Yes you can do calculations on the server though it won’t make much of a difference as since you have to return the calculation at some point (as the camera object is not replicated from client to server) they can still easily tamper it.

There are quite a few ways to go about it but I wouldn’t worry, just go with a secure and extensive option, only a few well-versed exploiters would be able to modify your changes to security as the majority of them just copy and paste.

Only if they get access to your script somehow.

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As the previous replies said, yes, exploiters can override camera scripts. Basically anything you can do with a local script, exploiters can as well. Usually if it doesn’t affect other players gameplay most people don’t really worry about local exploiters. There’s no way to make local scripts completely safe, however, there are ways to make it annoying for them.

Like making a loop that sets the camera to where it should be if its not in the right place.

The script could be deleted by the exploiter, but sometimes just having that one guard will make most exploiters give up since not many exploiters know what they’re doing.

Edit: Grammar

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Yeah i thought so too, thank you… I heard there was a github repo of someone who had created a script which encrypts .rblx files so that exploiters struggle to understand it.

On a side note is it possible to tween a players camera, server-side?

Your scripts aren’t .rblx files in a game, they are simply script instances in the engine a client runs.
I think the term you’re attempting to refer to is obfuscation which is the process of encrypting code to make it extremely hard to read and understand, aswell as decompile.

Obfuscation would be a good idea if manipulating the camera would really spoil the game if there’s some visual spoiler somewhere hidden in the map.

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I don’t remember really, wait let me see if i can get the link

EDIT: GitHub - Kampfkarren/ropp: Roblox Pre/Post Publishing

Sadly, no. Anything locally should be done with local scripts, vulnerable or not.

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I do have visual spoilers! Hold On! I got an idea if I just create black fog around the player? More of a counter measure to make things that aren’t around the player black. I know there is Fog in lighting which i can edit. This might be a more viable solution for me as thats the only thing that would make my game vulnerable. Thank you @SuperSpeedy101 @hairbalIs @AdminTelamon for shedding some light on to this.

Exploiter moment:


But yeah it’s a good counter measure, don’t stop there and add as many least memory hard preventions as you can!

exploiter can see the whole map and find the exit

Don’t let them see the entire map. You can do this by having the server only show parts the player can actually see.


You can’t stop exploiters from moving their camera. The only way to combat this is to not give the clients all the information. You can do this with StreamingEnabled or your own replication system.

Ignore the camera, couldn’t they just TP to the exit? (even if they couldn’t see, they could use dex to get the ending part and TP to it)

Exploiters running local script with exploit.
By the way, they reach out of reach.

for example:
ExploitGui.Parent = game.CoreGui – they can acces :frowning:

How can I go about making that? I think you mean what I mean’t before of adding some sort of fog around the player on the server without using the fog method built into the game, Something surrounding the HRP. Can you explain to me how i can accomplish that?