Can I avoid overriding inherited methods with OOP


Using OOP I’m trying to call both a sub (derived) class method and a super (base) class method in one go to minimize repeating code.

However, the issue is methods implemented in the derived class override the base class and any attempts to access the base class from the derived class result in stack overflow.

What I have attempted:

-- The derived class


    local newClass =
	newClass.BaseClass = newClass -- this feels wrong
	setmetatable(newClass, class)
	return newClass

function class:Destroy()
	print("Destroying from child class")	
	setmetatable(self, nil)


I read about maids and how they can be useful in this situation, but I’m hoping there is a simpler way. :pray:

Maybe I’m overthinking this since I’m so used to C++ polymorphism.

Here is an C++ eqivalent problem/solution.

Thanks in advance!

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When you add a method that is similar to the base class and use self instead of the base class method it will use the derived class method something which we do not like, here is a TS example of solving it hopefully If I get your question correctly

super is the base class and self is the derived class


Hi, @FerbZzides That seems like the right TS solution but I’m having a hard time reading that syntax since not too familiar with Roblox TS. Can you provide the lua and metatables equivalant?

oops never mind seems that I can extract the lua in that playground

Got it working by doing this! Since the derived class has a reference to the inherited class

local class = {}
inheritedClass = require(script.Parent) -- here
setmetatable(class, inheritedClass)
class.__index = class

I can call the inherited method Destroy() and pass self like this

function class:Destroy()
	print("Destroying from class")	
	setmetatable(self, nil)

Thank you @FerbZides for the suggestions