Can I be a modeler without blender


  1. What do you want to achieve? I want to know if you can still be a modeler even if you dont use blender

  2. What is the issue? I dknt know the answer

  3. What solutions have you tried so far? Looked on the talent hub and they show a bunch of blender pics, so I dont know

Everyone is appreciated!

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Wrong topic.

And why?!?! Just learn blender. Free, open source, the standard for Roblox developers. I don’t get why. If you don’t want to use blender, you’re going to end up with other paid software.


I model using parts in Roblox, and my clients are always satisfied with my work


Yes of course you can. There’s one very obvious downside, you won’t be able to achieve the level of detail you would with Blender.

Bevels, smooth shading, and a whole buncha stuff I’m too lazy to list. Blender is more complicated but once you’ve got a grasp of it, it’ll be worth it.

Now this is not to bash on the Roblox modeling system, you could definitely still create a great game with great builds with the Roblox modeling system alone (you could make it better with plugins).

In conclusion, yes you can be a modeler without Blender but it does have many downsides to it.


doesn’t excuse not using blender

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you can, use unions (i know it’s unperformant but to me it’s fine)

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Oh shoot, which topic

I could use blender, but it will just be a pain because I have no mouse

Any other software that involved 3d modeling would be more of a pain than blender without a mouse.

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