Can i change the color of the sunrays?

This is a short post:
My question: is it possible to change the color of the sunrays? and if so, how?
what im trying to do, is making blue sunrays for my game, which takes place in a planet orbiting Sirius A and Sirius B
here is a picture:
is it possible to change the color of the sunrays?


i cant find it >;
and also i cant post images because im new to the forums (in replies)

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Unfortunately, there is no way to do that and developers have already tried to convince roblox to change it.

But what you can do it to add a texture to the sun to change its color!

I hope this helped you!

  • Cheerful

@Schedency This isn’t correct. Sunrays cannot be changed since there isn’t no property to change the color however it has been requested to add colors to sun rays. As for the OP since your trying to achieve a more blue kinda look? Maybe there is something else you can use to achieve this type of effect.

Instead of, trying to achieve the effect in sun rays you could use the Effects that are already in the lighting tab such as (color shifts, ambiance, brightness and more.) to achieve that type of effect or something even closer to that. I’ll try using what has been said above. Did you try clicking on the image icon on the upper left it should offer you a chance to “upload a image”.

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oh boy i hope roblox adds this option

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Yes, you can! Although, not directly thru SunRays. Try Lighting>ColorCorrection>TintColor.


this is not a help post but how you get two suns? like what?