Can I code motion controlls?

Is there any way I can code my game so mobile players can use the gyroscope in their phone to control stuff like maybe a ball rolling or the camera?

It would be even cooler if they could do that with a controller like a vr controller, joy-con, wiimote, psmove, etc. but even though that would be better it’s probably harder and less possible.

Thanks for the help everyone!


Im not too sure about controllers allowing this based on my research but I know gyroscope and Accelerometer sensors on mobile/tablet devices but this is not yet supported by Roblox.

So the ball game is possible.

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A few weeks ago, I actually thought about doing something like this. I wanted to make some game where the player would have to get a ball through a maze by tilting the phone.

I kind of got bored and stopped after like 10 minutes lol.

local uis = game:GetService("UserInputService")

while true do
	if uis.GyroscopeEnabled then
		local _, gyroCf = uis:GetDeviceRotation()
		workspace.testPart.CFrame = gyroCf
		warn("No gyroscope was found.")
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Wait, I’m confused, are you saying that phone motion controls are possible and controllers are not? Or none are posible?

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Cool! can I use that part of your script?

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I want to finish this code but don’t know how. Where do I put it in explorer?

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some of the axis is somewhat switched or flipped???

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