Can I do another for loop in a for loop?

So basically I’m making a round system for my game, and I want to make it so that if it’s a specific game mode it will remove the player from a table I created

if Chosengame == "Battle Tiles" or Chosengame == "Battle Doors" then
					local others = {}
					local finish = ChosenMap:WaitForChild("winpart")

						if hit.Parent:FindFirstChild("Humanoid") then

							local char = hit.Parent
							local player = plrs:GetPlayerFromCharacter(char)

							if player then
								for i, plr in pairs(plrs:GetChildren()) do

									if plr ~= player then
										table.insert(others, plr)
							for i, Player in pairs(others) do
								if Player.Team == Playingteam then
									Player.Team = Lobbyteam
                                     --Here's the problem
                                     for i, v in pairs(playing) do
										if v == Player.Name then
											print("we removing him")
											table.remove(playing, i)
									local character = Player.Character or Player.CharacterAdded:Wait()

									local lobbyspawn = game.Workspace.lSpawns:GetChildren()
									local randomlspawn = lobbyspawn[math.random(1, #lobbyspawn)]

									character.HumanoidRootPart.CFrame =

									Player.Team = game:GetService("Teams"):WaitForChild("Lobby")

									character:FindFirstChild("Tagged").Value = "nobody"
									character.Humanoid.Health = character.Humanoid.MaxHealth

									local toolstats = Player.ToolStats.Sword.Value
									if Player.Backpack:FindFirstChild(toolstats) then

										local plrsword = Player.Backpack:FindFirstChild(toolstats)


									elseif Player.Character:FindFirstChild(toolstats) then

										local charsword =  Player.Character:FindFirstChild(toolstats)



For some reason it won’t loop through the part that I marked where the problem starts, I tried checking if it does the loop by putting a print statement, but it didn’t print it. I don’t know what the problem is and how to fix it as the output doesn’t show any errors

playing is probably empty, I do not see how it is declared in your sample

Try printing what is being checked instead of the loop.

                                     --Here's the problem
                                     for i, v in pairs(playing) do
                                       print(v)  --an actual indication of what v is
										if v == Player.Name then
											print("we removing him") --this only tells you it isn't working, but not why
											table.remove(playing, i)

@gertkeno it’s in for i, Player in pairs(others) do

The issue might be that you are using plr, Player, and player as variables. Maybe change the variable names to a better description.

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playing ~= player they should be print testing like this, and I’m will to bet it’s empty/nil

--Here's the problem
for i, v in pairs(playing) do

Yes, you can.

for x = 0, 10 do
	for y = 0, 10 do
		for z = 0, 5 do

I can’t tell what your trying to do with your script.

no it is filled with all the players in the round’s names

Guys I found the solution I’m actually stupid I had to do Chosengame.Name sorry for wasting your time

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So using the wrong variable then?

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