Can I forcefuly join a game's specific server when pressing Discord interaction's button?

(Before anything, idk if this is the right category but I hope it is)

So, I was wondering if there was any way to somehow link Discord bot interaction with somehow forcing the person that clicks to join a specific game’s server? (bot is used for moderation purposes just in case)


And if it is possible, how would I do that?


I have tried previously but Discord only supports https and discord:// URLs in buttons.
Unless theres a direct join URL that uses https and not roblox://, it should work.

Could you give an example code of how the roblox:// link works?

Looks like this:

Now that I think about it, you could probably try using a URL shortener and see how that goes.

GAMEID would be game.JobId or game.GameId?

I think it’s the JobId, its this:

Meant to put “ServerID” and not “GameID”

you could try adding some code to your game that uses http service to guide your player to the correct server

would take a computer constantly running though

Otherwise you can just have it put the join link on the message (hyperlinks don’t work either with roblox:// btw)

I need it that if a person clicks a button on a discord message, they will be sent to a server

Yeah, just tried a minute ago \\\\\\\\\\\

Technically, this works. It’s just discord is annoying and won’t let hyperlinks or buttons.
So I’ll make this as the solution.

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So I made a redirect with node.js and now I can make the buttons too.
For anyone in the future possibly needing a solution, use this link I created with node.js as a redirect sort of:

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