Hello everyone! I want to make a Russian roulette
type of game, do you think I can get banned for this. To clarify some things, I will not make graphic deaths so no blood only default roblox deaths.
Thanks for helping
Well, I’ve seen a russian roulette game with bloody kills (point blank headshots) so… I wouldn’t think so, as long as its not extreme
Wouldn’t risk it.
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According to section 4 of the Community Standards, you are not allowed to depict Suicide and Self Harm. Russian Roulette would be considered both of these.
The fact that there might be similar games on the platform (as Baconator mentioned), doesn’t mean it is allowed. You would most likely risk getting into trouble with a game like this.
On the other hand, Roblox recently announced that some previously fobidden things will be allowed for games with a high-enough Age Rating. This might fall into that…
Yes, you can get banned. There was a game like that before, but it kept getting deleted because it’s against the Community Standards.
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