Can I Get feedback On My New Group Game

Hey guys I’m looking if I could get some feedback I’m a new developer not advanced but I’m trying to get there.(Btw I don’t care if the feedback is negative or positive I just need to know so I can make it better.)

So can anyone check out my game?

It’s called Master Disaster The Link Is Here: (LAVA!)Master Disasters[Pre-Alpha!!] - Roblox

It’s in Pre-Alpha state and multiplayer is still being worked on.

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Here are a few things I noticed after playing for about 5 minutes:

The Lobby

The Lobby is pretty simple.

The Game Mode thumbnails are a bit scrunched, which makes it hard to see what they are. I’d recommend making those more visible.

The “Lag” option should be changed to “High Details”, “More Detail”, or “Performance Mode”. Anything along those lines would make it seem way more professional.

Now onto the solo game

The Game

First thing I noticed was the intermission UI. It’s pretty obnoxious and is a bit blurry in the text. I’d recommend trying to make a UI like some of the front page games do, with the bright colors and easy to read text.

Second, you see the intermission and spectate UIs while playing the game. Those should definitely be hidden while you’re in a round.

Finally, the last thing I noticed was that the Tornado mode got stuck off the map, and pretty much made the round pointless. You definitely want to ensure that nothing like this can happen when the game is fully released, else people will become boring.

Those are some basic things that you can fix to make the game more appealing. I’d also encourage you to have something to do once you get out or in between rounds. Players might lose interest if they die instantly, and don’t have anything to do.

I hope this helps!

Thanks looking forward to changing the lobby and adding more maps and disasters

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"It includes" seems like an update collum,

The credits should be about people who werent main devs who helped out with some parts.

I randomly floated?

Impossible to survive.

Overall, the builds are decent, but the gameplay is bad. It’s nearly impossible to survive most of the disasters.

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I’d start with the opening UI. The background’s too blank. I’d add a patterned background to make it more interesting. What I’d also do is put “Unavailable” for the game mods that you haven’t programmed yet.

About the game mode:

  • The intermission is way too long for a solo play. The lobby’s too plain and boring so the player doesn’t have anything to do for a minute.

  • The UI is terrible. Honestly, I do believe that you should hire someone a lot better for the UI (no offense to the current UI artist)

  • The maps in the tsunami mode are way lower than the wave so if we haven’t had the balloon then we would’ve drifted badly…

I do hope that your game gets way better and I wish you good luck!

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So I joined the game and I think the lobby is okay…

I was confused by the Lag button as it gave off the wrong vibe for me. It almost felt I was just going to play a comedy game. As for the UIs, all of the gamemode thumbnails were stretched, blurry, and overall hard to read.

I joined Solo. First thing I noticed was the intermission timer was big, stretched, blurry, and blank. No numbers or anything. Someone was already in a match, but I think you should indicate something other than a blank timer.

Then I noticed I had a balloon. I equipped it and jumped. 50% of my health was gone. Then the next round starts and I’m at 50% health. I re-equip the balloon and jump. On my way down, I die in the middle of the air after letting go of the balloon for a split second. Fall damage does not typically work that way. Usually I have to hit the ground to die. It isn’t the fall that kills you.

When I respawn I notice something weird. The intermission timer is going down by 2s. It went 50, 48, 46, etc. This is strange. I asked the other player and he said it was the same.

Then we wait for the next round and the tornado spawns in the corner and never leaves. It just gets stuck. we played on the playground for the remainder of the round.

The next round, the tornado spawns on top of me, killing me instantly. I think you should either have the tornado start to form at the beginning (like irl where a funnel cloud hits the ground) or perhaps have it start out of the map and make its way toward the map.

All in all, I think there could be a lot of improvements game design wise. As for the building, it was pretty good. The tornado itself looked very bad, but the map and lobby were pretty good.

Oh yeah, and by the way, we only got tornadoes throughout the entire duration of the game. When I joined in, tornado. When I played, tornado. I didn’t even know there were any other disasters until I read the other replies just now. To fix this, I’d have the probability of the disasters weighted. Whenever a disaster comes, make it less likely to be the next disaster.

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Alright I’ll try to make it more detailed and stuff sorry the ui and stuff wasn’t that good our ui designer isn’t as efficient in the arts but it’s better than nothing in the state we are in.

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So the you guys all solve the solution by giving me your feedback thank you and I’ll make sure to do better.

I joined your “Master Disaster” game and it looks really good like, all the different details you added to each of the maps and it seems you have done. A great job on your first game since your a new developer. However there is a couple of things i’ll suggest you! fix and add to make your game stand out a little more as by looking at it it’s. A little empty and doesn’t have that much details added to it! I’ll fix the disasters, that happen because when you spawn, into the map the disaster comes just like that!!

The lobby seems to be normal and not detailed, i’ll make it more wider and bigger. As it seems to be a little small and not big you could try adding. Different details to! such as little balls and others if you plan on adding those! to stand out more. And i’ll also fix when you spawn into the lobby it seems you get stuck in the middle, of the room in a visible part i would recommend! you fix that or remove that. So other people can walk around the lobby! As well it could be more space to it as well…

When you spawn into the different maps. To find places you can stand on and not die from the disasters. It seems you can’t do that when i spawned, into the map when another player the disasters started just like that and we died! i would suggest you fix that or make! the time more longer so other people can find safety. And the lava disaster it seems to be broken.

As when i died and spawned inside the lobby. The lava was still rising and filled the whole, map up but when the, “Intermission” ended that’s when the whole map went back to normal! As well the tornado disaster seems to be broken! as it keep on playing that disaster the whole time i was inside your game i would recommend you add! different disasters and fix the. Tornado one so it won’t repeat it over and over, again when you spawn into the map area that could be fix a little a bit more!!

And when you spawn in the maps the tsunami disaster. It seems to be broken as i was looking the disaster was under the whole map, and it didn’t hit the the house, trees, bus, ect. It just went underneath the whole map. I would fix that a bit more so it could hit the map part! overall you have done a great job on your game.

Keep it up i hope to see more of your, work very soon and the final product of the game!!

Hmm I was aware of that happening I thought I fixed it tho guess I gotta go back good things it’s in pre alpha lmao

The game is closed for me but I noticed something on the game’s page.


The thumbnail is simple, although the words are small with the colors too, which makes it hard to see them.


The building is kind off rushed and not attentioned in the edges:

You can see some parts are going off the edge or not symetrical.

Add more buildings, or places the players could go “survive”, so the game has more fun and interest.