So I joined the game and I think the lobby is okay…
I was confused by the Lag button as it gave off the wrong vibe for me. It almost felt I was just going to play a comedy game. As for the UIs, all of the gamemode thumbnails were stretched, blurry, and overall hard to read.
I joined Solo. First thing I noticed was the intermission timer was big, stretched, blurry, and blank. No numbers or anything. Someone was already in a match, but I think you should indicate something other than a blank timer.
Then I noticed I had a balloon. I equipped it and jumped. 50% of my health was gone. Then the next round starts and I’m at 50% health. I re-equip the balloon and jump. On my way down, I die in the middle of the air after letting go of the balloon for a split second. Fall damage does not typically work that way. Usually I have to hit the ground to die. It isn’t the fall that kills you.
When I respawn I notice something weird. The intermission timer is going down by 2s. It went 50, 48, 46, etc. This is strange. I asked the other player and he said it was the same.
Then we wait for the next round and the tornado spawns in the corner and never leaves. It just gets stuck. we played on the playground for the remainder of the round.
The next round, the tornado spawns on top of me, killing me instantly. I think you should either have the tornado start to form at the beginning (like irl where a funnel cloud hits the ground) or perhaps have it start out of the map and make its way toward the map.
All in all, I think there could be a lot of improvements game design wise. As for the building, it was pretty good. The tornado itself looked very bad, but the map and lobby were pretty good.
Oh yeah, and by the way, we only got tornadoes throughout the entire duration of the game. When I joined in, tornado. When I played, tornado. I didn’t even know there were any other disasters until I read the other replies just now. To fix this, I’d have the probability of the disasters weighted. Whenever a disaster comes, make it less likely to be the next disaster.