Can I Get Some Feedback on my Game I'm Working on?

Hey guys,
I’m currently working on a single-player, first-person zombie fighting game. This game is only for PC. I was inspired by games like Michael’s Zombies, Zombie Uprising, and of course, Zombie Attack. I have been working on it for a while now, and I’d like some feedback from actual players. (Yes, I imported animations and gun models from MW19.)

Here is the game link (keep in mind it’s still not done and there may be bugs!)


I found an issue were there was a lot of errors in the developer console but apart from that all the feedback I have is that you should add random zombie models.

Your game was great!


Oh yeah I’m still working on the errors. Also, do you think people will actually check the dev console? Anyway, yes, I will make random zombies. Thanks for the feedback!


Hi!, i like the models and ambient, also the movement feels very smooth, but for some reason the zombies never spawned on the beach map i searched everywhere for them for 10 minutes


Alright I’ll try and fix this as soon as I can, thanks for the feedback though!

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ok I fixed this, thank you for telling me about it