Can I get some feedback on the new player experience of my RPG game?

I am trying to improve the new player experience so that retention increases. Usually, players either stay in the game for a minute without completing the first quest, or they complete a quest and then leave. If you guys can provide some feedback on how I can improve the experience, that would be helpful. :slight_smile:

While I liked the idea, this game defineoty needs improvement. I couple things I noticed:

Lack of direction- I get it, you did put the signs, but they aren’t very noticeable, and it took me quite a while to find my way.

Also, when you die, the quest line resets. This was slightly annoying, and I left as I didn’t want to go through the whole process again. You aren’t putting a good first impression on me, because I see a game that’s just going to be fetch quests, with combat sprinkled in between.

How I died? That was because I was on mobile, and because I am horrible on mobile, wandered of the bridge. Might want to consider putting a barricade.

The reason players leave is because you haven’t put a good foot forward. Get the player into a combat encounter early on, and make a more spicy first quest line. Don’t just make me swing a tool at a sphere. If I wanted to do that, there are many games out there for that (simulators).

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I have listened to your feedback and for the most part applied changes to the game.