Thank you for the feedback (windows are filled in [no lights inside currently])
looks pretty good! You could add a drive through window, a parking lot, and maybe some bushes around the sides.
Some bushes is EXACTLY what it needs Ill repost it after I finish those up thanks for the quick feedback
I think you should add in interior walls rather than having the exterior wall being the only material of the bank.

I’ve had another kind of bank before
Anyways, for your bank, it’s a good building but not enough iconic elements, so it’s hard to see that it’s a bank, try some decors!
Yea i planned on it you can already see the base wall that is white in there
Yea I kinda felt the same way but if you think about it In real life banks dont always have huge $ symbols and what not and my building style is a little more realistic. Any other things I could add to make it look more “bank-like”
It appears to be missing all the standard roofing fixtures a modern building has.
Also, you should change your lighting up a little to show off your sculpting here. It’s really good! I recommend making your ambient shadows darker.
Could you explain a little further? Are you talking like vents and stuff?
Exactly, vents, satellite, usually the AC unit up there too.
Maybe a side ladder for roof access (flat roofs with AC units need access, slanted roofs dont).
Hey Clash,
To start there are too many lights in the build. It makes things neon. Try using bloom and set the bloom intensity to 20 to remove some of that.
You should always gave a reference for your builds, do you have one?
Add a trash can at the corner, maybe some type of texture on the floor.
Add decoration to it 100%
Maybe replace the door you have with a revolving door, make it a little classy you know.
If I had a reference to the style you are aiming for I could help more but right now this is what I have for you.
~ iG Studios Lead Map Designer
There is a total of 2 light parts in the build so what could I do to reduce the brightness?
This is just a presentation issue. Tweak the Lighting preferences so that you see more shadow. You have more detail on this model than Roblox is showing off.
I’d lower the brightness a lot
Yea I have no experience in lighting, Ill try to find a global shadow setting or something