Can I get sued for retexturing roblox?

Ah, alright. Sorry for the misunderstanding! Again, you have a very fair and valid point. ROBLOX moderation is very strict at times. I was simply trying to state that they are not uploading it, so I don’t believe much would happen, personally. However, knowing what you just said, and knowing ROBLOX moderation, I can never say for sure. However, I can say this: @cheekybones579, stay safe and be extremely cautious when retexturing and uploading these things.

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When you mean retexture Roblox textures, what do you mean ?
Do you mean you want to make Roblox textures in your game, that are edited Roblox textures ?
(probably ok)
Do you mean you somehow want to modify the Roblox textures ?
(probably impossible)
Do you mean to take Roblox textures and use them outside of Roblox ?
(probably not ok)
Or do you mean to change locally the textures for yourself ?
(could be considered “hacking”)
Or something else…
Unless you cause a copyright thing with the Roblox textures, I don’t think there are grounds for suing (even for hacking).’
I’m pretty sure Roblox lets you use freely all the things they provide, inside Roblox, (except the logo).

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I’d assume they mean changing these locally:


These are the concrete textures.


I wanted to take these textures and paint over them, just how people delete them.

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like this (one I painted over for testing before asking everyone)

So if that’s the case, Roblox probably cant sue you, but while benign, may still break their tos and result in moderation stuff.

this would be the part i think.

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If so, I’d assume you cannot be sued for that. However, as I have said above, along with @tsougranis, it could, definitely, result in moderation action against your account, and could get you anything from a warn to a ban. Be careful and always take caution when doing things like this; as it is not 100% safe for you to do.


Thank You everyone for your responses, later I will be contacting roblox support and asking them if I can do it.

Yes you will always get a content review for stealing textures on Roblox or even worse modifying it on files.

Be careful you post might get flagged for being too short just want to let you know!

If you use their textures you will get sued probably. You’re in possession of another companies assets without their permission.

If it’s for personal use, and you aren’t stealing the textures, or making them act like cheats, you should be alright.

Uhm… huh… bruh…

What i’m not not understanding is - why would a billion dollar company sue some teenager on the internet for modifying roblox’s textures locally. You are not republishing their textures, so - why should they care in the first place?

Also, how would they even know lol


They are not taking the textures but modifying the textures in the game-files.

You don’t know what happens behind the scenes (there could be checks).

They would easily ban them for it, since it could be used to give players an advantage.

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What I’m not getting from your standpoint is - how the hell could someone get an advantage from replacing an image on a solid brick. What are they gonna do? Write math equations on it? Finish their geometry homework on it?

Roblox is not going to take any moderation action on your for modifying or even straight up replacing local assets. Only you can see these textures and roblox will not give a single frick about it.

If you disagree with my standpoint, you can ask the devrel or something.

Quick edit: this post seems very aggressive. sorry about that!


I don’t know if this is even possible but you may be able to make the brick transparent using alpha.


Still are in possession of the textures either way if you modify it or not.

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They mean totally replacing the files with their own custom ones.

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There really isn’t a way to make to add textures to other peoples Roblox games. Since many people use custom textures.

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