Can I get the orientation of a UV map?

Hello. I’m wanting to code a system that makes the player “slide”. Think of it like Super Mario 64’s slides, where Mario slides a certain direction. Or, a more obscure example, which is what I’m basing my system on, is one of the SpongeBob SquarePants games. In Battle for Bikini Bottom, slides are a main part of the game. I’ve looked at how the game does this with my own research of levels and found out that slides are split into two assets: the BSP (or, the slide’s graphics,) and a Simple Object (think of this as a basic part) that is named TRACK_## that moves the player based on the UV mapping of the track.
I want to use this system to prevent players from accelerating backwards, and to limit the orientation of the player.
I could try to use BasePart.Touched, and get the lookvector of the track, but TouchEnded is very finicky, so the player just stops when they reach a new direction.

Here’s an image example of what I’m talking about:

Could you show a visual representation of what you actually want to get accomplished?

Here’s a screenshot from a level editor for Battle for Bikini Bottom, the game I’m basing this off of. Note the tracks represented by a literal train track that is UV-mapped to control the direction of the player.

And here’s a video of how the slide plays in action. The player slows down when trying to turn the wrong way, and turning is limited. (Sorry if the video doesn’t play in the forums.)

Can you show us what you have done thus far?

Nothing so far: my biggest roadblock is if this is even possible. My question was if I could get the UV mapping of a meshpart to achieve this.

You said up in the original post that you used touch ended and you said it was finnicky could we see what you were referring too?

I haven’t done this yet, but I tried it previously, but my code is now gone. It worked something like this:

    set the bodyvelocity's parent to nil
    set the bodyvelocity's parent to the player

I believe you can set the Velocity of the part, and it will move them when they step on it.
Try this.