I am currently working on a FPS called Infinite Ops and I’m just about done, team death match is finally ready, all I need to do now is add all the scripts and other things to the free for all side of things. so please give some feed back, it would be really appreciated, I’ve been making games for at least 2 years or so, but no one plays or knows about my games so I thought I`d advertise my creation for some feed back. i still have to make a icon and thumbnail.
I just played it for a bit, and I can say I am impressed. However, upon spawning into the game lobby for team deathmatch, you spawn inside the ceiling, and cannot go downwards.
Of course!
Sadly, I already left, and the load times would cause it to take quite a while, but I am sure if you try it yourself, you may be able to recreate the bug.
I clicked on the TDM, and then spawned after hearing a bunch of reload sounds over and over again (Not sure if that is a bug), inside the ceiling. I am unsure if this was just a glitch on my side or a game glitch; When I get the time, I can join again and figure it out.
oh, the reload sounds are part of the game, you would of heard music and saw a radio with notes emmiting from it with a pc next to it, the reload sound is a short video of gun safety I found in the videos section of the tool box lol, but when you said you spawn in the ceiling did it have something to do with sort of seeing the same building beneath you?
Roblox has some core ui that overlaps/ dosnt allow a developer or player to change normally, like the topbar. In every ScreenGUI there is an option called IgnoreGuiInset, which ignores it, making your backgroup full screen and not having that small gap on the top!