Can I Make A Brick Spawn With Studs And Inlets?

Hello, developers. Many of you know that back then, let’s say in 2017, if you put a brick in workspace, it would have studs and inlets. Nowadays, it spawns with smooth surfaces.

Are you still able to make a brick go into workspace with studs and inlets without going into properties or surfaces? I am wondering this because I am making a game requiring lots of studs and inlets.


Hm… I think that if you go into the part’s properties, you can still add the old king of hinges, if that is what you mean. Scroll through the properties, see if you see anything.

The surface tab is now in model next to color


You can still make parts have inlet/studs texture by going into the surface properties. Since you said you don’t want to go to properties to do it. You could change it in the script editor.

[your part].BackSurface = Enum.SurfaceType.Studs
[your part].FrontSurface= Enum.SurfaceType.Universal
[your part].TopSurface= Enum.SurfaceType.Inlet

You cant make it spawn like that anymore but you can do this:

It takes like 2 seconds to do

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Whenever I use the it seems to automatically spawn with Studs and Inlets for me.

You could do it with code by just referencing things like the BackSurface and set it’s type with a Enum.

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(Un?)fortunately they removed this, so the only ways to do it are via the surface tool and manually putting studs on top and inlets on the bottom, or a script. But the quicker way is to do it manually, and you can also duplicate it and use it wherever without a script in each part.