Can i make a part spin at a constant rate with constraints, even if it hits a player?


I am trying to make a horizontal windmill that spins at a constant rate even if it hits the player, it should just push him away and keep spinning at the same rate. This can be done with runservice but i don’t like how it interacts with the player when he is hit. So I am looking for a constraint that can do this, I’ve been using angular velocity however it just stops when it hits a player. Any suggestions would be much appreciated

Thank you for your time

How heavy are the objects?

With enough force, and enough weight (mass + size) behind the objects that are spinning, they should be able to produce enough force to knock things away from them instead of getting stuck.

But, you could also try using BodyMovers, particularly BodyAngularVelocity.


i’m recreating my first game(obby) for fun, so the point is for the player to jump over the spinning windmill or get knocked off the map, thus making it huge and heavy is not really an option. I’m hoping there is a constraint that can defy physics xD hopefully BAV can do that

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If you don’t want to adjust size, no worries. You simply adjust density by access the Custom Physical Properties here image and increasing it.

Just be aware, the more dense it is, the more force from the motor that will be required.

BAV produces a constant rotational velocity at all times. Or at least attempts to to the best of it’s ability.

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you sir are quite brilliant, before you responded i was trying the cylindrical constraint motor and by increasing density to 100 it now knocks me off smoothly without slowing down, i guess i should try BAV as well and compare, but ye the main issue of the windmill slowing on impact seems to be resolved

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