Can i make the player torso not collide?

hi, i need to disable the cancollide property of the player’s torso, but it automatically resets to true, and i don’t know what to do. i need it because i need the player to pass through a part that can collide


Have you tried using PhysicsService? You can set the part to a group, then your character’s parts to another group, then make the group uncollidable.

PhysicsService: PhysicsService | Roblox Creator Documentation

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no, i haven’t tried it. i don’t even know how to use physics service, actually. can you send something like a template so i can edit it?

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You can also add a NoCollisionConstraint for the two parts you don’t want to collide. (Add where ever, set Part0 to the first part and Part1 to the second).

You should probably use collision groups if there are lots of walls.

The physics service is a little difficult for characters because the client controls their physics, so you’d need to set the collision group of the character on the client but you’d need to make the collision group of the server.

You can read the docs for more info, but basically:

  • Create a physics group for things that can’t collide with characters with RegisterCollisionGroup() on the server (or with the collision groups menu)
  • Set the two groups to no collide with CollisionGroupSetCollidable (list names of both collision groups then false)
  • On the client, set the collision group of the character’s parts to the characters group and the walls to the collision group that shouldn’t collide with characters (you can also set the collision group of the walls before the game starts in studio, not with code). You set collision groups with BasePart.CollisionGroup.

You can set the collision group of the character with a LocalScript in starter character scripts. I would set the walls in studio (without code). You can also create the groups in studio through the collision groups menu.

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You would have to put a local script inside of the StarterCharacterScripts &

fire it each time your torso touches the part in question.


This is an example of a function (that is ran everytime an event called “RegeneratePhysics” is ran)

Ignore local Blacklist & CollisionGroupBlacklist

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