Can I manualy place particles? And Control their properties!

First things first I’d like to let you know that this effect I am seeking to make, will be how the entire place looks.
So I won’t be placing hundreds of attachments as you can imagine the lag it will cause. On top I am striving to make this project mobile user friendly. Now with this out of the way :

On the jellyfish image you can see a complex shape. It is made by having all lines connect to precisely placed dots, resembling a star constillation. I would like to achieve this effect of a star constillation, only in 3D.

Each object will look like a 3 dimensional star constillation, with twinkling stars/dots. These stars would also vary in size and maybe transparancy.
I can think of how I’d make the dots twinkle and vary in size through scripting, but that is not the main issue now. My problem is that I do not know how I would go about making percisly placed stars that make out an object, without making the game laggy. Heck, I am not even sure how I would do it entirely with the laggy options.

I already mentioned the individual attachments, which I will not do. My second Idea was to make the objects in blender, but I honestly don’t know how I would go about scripting the stars to tinkle randomly then. Besides I am unsure of my skills of modelling it. I would like to make this flowerbud I drew a sketch of as a test now. I left out the dots and only kept the lines for better clarity now :))

PS: Click on the blue image to open it


For everything that doesn’t twinkle, a mesh will do (or roblox parts will also work but it might be more tedious!) then you can add more parts for the twinkle. (those parts will have the script)

for the mesh, I recommend using the wireframe modifier on an existing mesh. (will save you time and frustration)

quick jellyfish

the lines can be made thinner and the whole thing could be lower poly to get the look you want but yeah.

You could probably find yourself some lowpoly models on like sketchfab (FAB) or other such sites and just add the wireframe modifier and you’d have what you’re (hopefully) looking for.


Ah thank you ! I’ll try it out :))