Can I Mention Pop Culture and Real-Life Locations in My Game?

Hi everybody!

I’m working on a game that is going to be narrative-driven and will feature a lot of dialogue between characters. It is going to take place in the real world rather than an alternate universe or whatnot. To help players feel like they are in the time period in which the game takes place (1996), I would like to include references to pop culture (e.g. real people, music, movies, events, etc.). Is that allowed on Roblox? And if so, to what extent? I won’t be talking about politics or playing copyrighted music.

Furthermore, I would like for the game to take place in a real place (somewhere in the Dallas/Fort Worth area). Would it be okay for me to mention that? And possibly landmarks in the area? Or what city the characters live in?

Also, a somewhat related question: is it okay for two characters to hug platonically? They are 11M and 12F and, over the course of the game, bond and become close friends.

Thanks in advance for your help!!! :]

<3 Glory

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I don’t think there’s any problem, the important thing is that you don’t mention anything that is copyrighted, or is against the ToS, but other than that I can’t tell you anything more sorry :person_shrugging:

I’m not sure that the hugging thing would be okay with Roblox tos, make a actual hugging animation, one wrong position of hugging and you’re done