Can I move a group model which is in the part with moveing the part

  1. **There is group models in parts and I tweening parts but group models must move too

  2. **I welded all group parts to primary part and I welded primary part to the part Which is I tween

  3. **I tried to weld the parts

-- 	local item = ItemMap[equippedItem1]
				local weld ="Weld")
				weld.Parent = item.PrimaryPart
				weld.Part0 = playerPart
				weld.Part1 = item.PrimaryPart
				item.Parent = playerPart


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From what I understand you want the entire model to tween / move?

If you want to move an entire model use model:PivotTo(CFrame) where CFrame is the CFrame you are moving it to.

If you want to move everything inside the model with a tween make sure everything is welded to the PrimaryPart (you stated this), and use TweenService on the primarypart. Make sure everything other than the PrimaryPart is unanchored.

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I mean I tweening the player part and I welded primary part to player part cant I move model with welds or I need to tween that too?

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Do you want to “Move” the model or “Tween” the model?

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I tweening the player part but group model falling behind when I tween the part so I want to move it with player part. Can’t I just move it with welds with player part?

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Do not tween the PlayerPart, tween the Model instead. Unanchor and weld everything inside the model to the model’s primary part (make sure the primary part is anchored). Then use something like this to tween the model:

local tweenserv = game:GetService("TweenService")
local tweeninf =, Enum.EasingStyle.Sine, Enum.EasingDirection.In)

local tween = tweenserv:Create(script.Parent.PrimaryPart, tweeninf, {Position = Here)})

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