Can I rotate a humanoid?

Here is the video of my problem:
robloxapp-20200823-1534023.wmv (1.5 MB)
I think rotating of the humanoid would solve my problem, since I guess that the default rotation of it is wrong… (I am using pathfinding)

No, but you can rotate the PrimaryPart of the character (a Model with a Humanoid and Parts). It should be rotated so that the Front face of that Part is facing in the “forwards” direction of the model.

Select the PrimaryPart and rotate it 90 degrees, then resize it so that it has the same Size as before and fits in with the rest of the model.

Thank u for your guidance. But this isnt a total solution in my case, since the torso is a MeshPart, thanks for the help

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You should be able to solve the issue in the same way even if it’s a MeshPart