Can I use GetChildren() & math.random to select a random number of children in a folder?

I’m making a survival game, and I want to know if there is a way to use GetChildren() and math.random to select a random number of children inside of a folder. If not, can you show me an api article to where I can?

local obj = yourobj:GetChildren() 
local Rand = math.random(1, #obj) 

heres a code snippet that should do it! i havent tested it so it might have a typo or 2

local function getRandomChildren(folder)
  local children = folder:GetChildren()
  local num = math.random(1, #children) -- choose a random number of children

  local selected = {} -- children that will be selected

  for i = 1, num do -- loop from 1 to num
    local index = math.random(1, #children) -- get the index of the random child to take

    table.insert(selected, children[index]) -- add that to the selected children
    table.remove(children, index) -- remove that index from the children table so it wont be chosen again

  return selected

Thanks, I’ll edit this script and I’ll try it out. I’ll let you guys know if I have an error or something.

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Im not fully understanding your question but here is what I think you want.

A random number of random children to be selected from a folder and put in a table.

To accomplish this it should look something like this:

local folder = workspace.folder -- your folder here
local total = math.random(0, #folder:GetChildren())

local children = {}

for i=0,total,1 do
    local randChild = folder:GetChildren()[math.random(1, #folder:GetChildren())]

    local pass = true
    for i,v in pairs(children) do
        if v == randChild then
            pass = false

    if pass then
        table.insert(children, randChild)
        i -= 1

thisis kind of a brute force approach, but it still should get the job done :slight_smile:


I’d probably shuffle the table first and then select a random number of elements to create a new table out of. Here’s an implementation in Lua:

local function shuffle(t)
    for i = #t, 2, -1 do
        local j = math.random(i)
        t[i], t[j] = t[j], t[i]
    return t

local function getRandomSelection(t)
    return table.pack(table.unpack(shuffle(t), 1, math.random(1, #t)))

local selected = getRandomSelection(folder:GetChildren())