Can I use PolicyService to allow only 13+ players to pay my game

Im not so sure you’re allowed to have any discord links in your game. My game went under review one time and it was because we had a discord link in it


Don’t mention Discord.

Even if the user is 13+.

Collecting Discord tags may be classified as recording personally identifiable information, and that’s a big no-no too.


I would not rely on this. Just about every obfuscation method can be reversed. Anything not deobfuscated can be sandboxed.

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In Airline games people can lock the server which means than people than try to join will be kicked. so technically is not a problem

Just say something along the lines of “You need to be 13+ to play this game. Sorry but this is for Roblox ToS.”

It might save you from getting massively disliked.

I hate to be the necroposter, but doesn’t Roblox allow users to link a Discord server above the group wall (you can do the same thing with YouTube channel links and Twitter profile links)? Those links appear as boxes that you can click on.

Yes, but I’m pretty sure that they are only shown to 13+ users. I wouldn’t recommend mentioning Discord in any other way.

Oh, okay. I didn’t know that. Thank you for telling me!