Can I use UGC for my game?

Can I use UGC accessories in my game? I don’t see many people asking this questions but I am basically making a character creator for my game and want to know if I can use UGC accessories like hairs etc for it. The only post I found is this one: Using UGC Hair in my game which doesn’t seem to be of any help.

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Yes, as far as I know. nobody has been punished for using UGC in their games and many games with avatar editors use UGC from other creators.

TLDR: You’ll most likely be fine as I don’t think anybody has ever been punished for this.

Sorry for replying late, so I can use ugc hairs in my game in the character creator.

Yes, because Roblox said they were gonna prohibt devs from adding catalog items to their games but decided not to because of backlash.

is there any statement anywhere? just so that i can make sure that this is the case. Because i’m also trying to use a UGC, and it’s a bundle.

there are many games that use ugc

Great example: catalog avatar creator

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