Can I use ViewportFrame in surface gui

I want to display playes ingame character on a poster so ill need to his ingame model as 2d image. I know I can do that in ScreenGui but ViewportFrame tutorial doesn’t mention anything about surface gui. So I was wondering if its possible


You can display characters on posters without viewport frames.


ViewportFrames are supported in SurfaceGuis, as long as the SurfaceGui is located within the local player’s PlayerGui and it’s Adornee property has been set to a part.


I want their ingame character on thr posters not robloxs one


same thing, the in-game one is the one they are using on roblox unless you added a custom character in-game

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The only problem I face with this is that cframe animations do not apply when an object is inside of StarterGUI. Therefore I cannot make animated ViewportFrames. Is there another work-around/method that I can use.

(I am trying to make a working TV with custom videos like in Bloxburg.)


Try using a “WorldModel” instance, I think it should work as I’ve used it before to play animations.

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been looking for a solution to this all day. I set it up just like @harule but nothin :frowning: i set up a screengui just to make sure im not doing something obvious, but nope, that works fine (see top left corner with the column).

any ideas what im missing (and i am pressing play to test it, and also double checked that the surface gui is facing the correct face).


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nvm … for some reason the adornee clears on play … i guess i have to set that in code.

ok, well thanks for the solution, works awesome!

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