Can laggy players be hit with raycast?

when Part.Touched is used it doesnt fire on laggy players
so raycasts does the same or not?

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I think that both, touched or raycast could fail depending on how you are using them, your approach, and specifically how you are aiming for the goal of the system

As to what I know, .Touched event usually cause false or inaccurate results and raycasts are way more efficient and accurate. But actually I do think it won’t hit on laggy players, since if the player has high ping and his movements haven’t been replicated to the server, raycasting on the server will hit nothing, thus neither client raycasting will work, as server haven’t further replicated the correct position of the laggy player to other clients yet.
Here I mean by raycasts can’t hit the laggy player with the position shown on the laggy player’s screen, but directly hitting on his avatar that’s shown on the server, which is his current position known by server will still work.

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