Can not running up Roblox Studios

I can’t open my Roblox Studio anymore, I’ve already tried to reinstall the app but the app keeps closing when I start up… i becomme a white screen and then the app just closing

Any chance Roblox is banned in your country. (speaking from experience)

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Did you reinstall, or did you uninstall and then install?
Also, did you do this to the Roblox App, or the Studio App?

Try it again to see if it helps.

Also try opening a New place, not one that you’ve saved before to see if that one works.

i reinstall the app roblox player launcher and Roblox Studio launcher

No, that’s not the reason, I’m in Germany and the app or game is legal there

Maybe I’ll start a new update on my laptop or I repeat the last update process

Try to make a clean uninstall by deleting any files related to Roblox Studio

Thanks, for that, but, i found the reason, it was the prozessor

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