Can not whisper to someone with an underscore

Name says it all. I haven’t confirmed myself, but people can’t whisper me it seems.

You may want to alter the title to include the negative.

“Can not whisper to someone with an underscore.”

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Can confirm. However they can whisper you.

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How can it only work one way?

I have no idea, other then I am unable to whisper my friend Dirk_Nuttenburg but he is able to whisper me. Same with every other person on my friend list who has an underscore in their names.

R.I.P. tactical bank robbery plans in that DC city game. q.q

Oh I see. I thought you meant something else. Thanks.

I thought I knew what caused this so I decided to take a quick look. The issue is that the regex only matches alphanumeric characters and won’t match underscores. It only took a few minutes to fix so I created a pull request.

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Click the person’s name in chat in order to whisper :slight_smile: