Can people steal my tools that are in replicated storage?

so I have my tool in replicated storage and I want to make sure that my tool and its scripts won’t be stolen will people be able to steal my tool and its code if it is in replicated storage?

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Ok, don’t panic, but good question.

Yes, players can steal anything that is replicated onto their computer. So, anything they see, they can download. That includes ReplicatedStorage, because it is replicated. Players cannot steal server-side scripts, or anything in ServerStorage or ServerScriptService.

But they probably won’t, and even if they do you have copyright on it since you saved it online. So it’s not very dangerous.


Your assets are always at risk, but they always will be.

What you want to achieve is an infrastructure that cannot function without at least some interaction with the server, since your server-only code/infrastructure is protected. In that sense, you’re probably safe, since your client-side logic has to send requests to the server to effect any change.

That being said, the more logic–especially complicated logic–you can put on the server, the less likely anyone would be able to do anything with your stolen assets if they somehow got their hands on them. They would have to be able to rebuild that server logic to truly “steal” the tool.


You don’t have a copyright, but Roblox does provide a well documented version history for each uploaded place which can be used as a proof of the asset’s ownership.


so is it safe for my tools to be in replicated storage? and do you think big games like arsenal put it in replicated storage? if yes i can trust it.

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The server stuff goes into ServerScriptService and ServerStorage. The client stuff goes into ReplicatedStorage or a Tool. Tools are just objects that are meant to simplify input and character integration, you don’t have to throw everything into them.

The client can only access the stuff that’s replicated to them, but having the server Script not replicate means they will have to write the server portion themselves, which you have to be fairly dedicated to do.


ok thanks my take away is i can safely put my tools into replicated storage without fear of it beings stolen much, thanks

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Good to know. I’m from the US, so it might be different in other countries, but from what I understand copyright (in general) exists from the moment the work is created. Thanks!

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You own an asset the moment it is created, so yes, you do own the copyright in a way. But it has to be registered before you begin any legal action.