Can Roblox Default Materials Overlap a UV Texture

Hello! I’ve had this question bugging me for a minute now.

Say I’ve made a model in blender, I UV Unwrap it and color it appropriately, but instead of it keeping a flat color look to it as here.


Is there any possible way to make the material wood and still show above the texture.

The solutions I’m aware of would be to put textures within the part and then find a different wood texture to apply. The other being unnecessary by exporting parts of the model based off of their color and merging it together.

I hope this makes sense.

Only Vertex Painting preserves MeshPart Material texture data, because Vertex Painting isn’t technically a texture slot. Do some research on what Vertex Painting is. And export with .FBX as that’s the only file type that supports it.

You could also split up your MeshPart as you suggested, but that’s a really destructive workflow and not something I suggest unless you absolutely need it (like if you need the mask to have more than one Material).

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